
Biodyne Development, L.L.C. (BD) was established to develop and apply emerging technologies to specific biomedical applications based on the Founder’s scientific studies which suggested a number of development and commercialization opportunities in medical instrumentation and technology. The Company plans to enter the nearly two billion dollar digital brain health market by developing and marketing an enhanced wearable Neural Training (NT) system. Neural training relies on quickly measuring the brain’s response to stimuli and adjusting the applied stimuli in real-time. Continuously adjusted auditory, visual, and/or direct current stimuli are applied to improve brain function. Faster feedback leads to more effective training. Using proprietary technology to reduce delays in measuring brain signals should translate to faster detection of brain responses, better stimuli regulation, and thus, enhanced training results.

The brain has a well-documented ability to respond to the stimulation of its ongoing experience by adapting to and changing both its structure and its functioning. This ability, called neural plasticity, is in many ways similar to the ability of the body to change the structure and functioning in response to its ongoing experience, much like beginning and maintaining an intensive exercise program.


Neural Training is a field-tested system that uses safe and low-cost technology and training procedures that allow each individual’s brain wave activity to control the kind, amount and frequency of the form of sensory (auditory and visual) and direct stimulation that they experience. The resulting individualized neural plasticity can increase personalized growth and development of each person’s brain.


Biodyne Development, LLC is developing an enhanced, low-cost, simple to use, Neural Training (NT) product designed to improve memory, mental acuity and performance across a broad spectrum of the population. The Company anticipates that its proprietary technology will greatly improve neural training effectiveness and efficiency over those products currently in the market.

Maintaining memory and mental agility in an aging population

  • Reducing the negative effects of traumatic brain injury


  • Enhancing performance in normal and developmentally challenged adults and children


  • Lessening the effects of “chemo brain” from cancer treatment


  • Improving immune response, curbing the negative effects of depression, post-traumatic stress, addictions, pain and a number of other debilitating conditions.